Monday, April 25, 2011

Interview Guide - Part 3

Next, in order to impress and ensure that you have the quality and capability taking on the job, you have to show employer that you have been there and done that.
One of the basic approach is using "C.A.R" or "S.T.A.R" methodology
  • C - Context (Background of the situation)
  • A - Action (Action that you have taken to address the situation)
  • R - Result (Outcome of your Action)
    • S - Situation (Background of the situation)
    • T - Task (Specific Task that is your responsibility)
    • A - Action (Action that you have taken)
    • R - Result (Outcome of the Action)
     Example :
    Q: In your past career what is the most challenging task you have handled ?
    A: During my employment with XXX company when I'm playing YYY role, I was facing with AAA issue, and I tried to solve the issue by BBBB, and after CCC amount of time, I managed to turn around the situation by producing DDD result.

    During interview, employer will be evaluating your total performance, not just your answer, some other factors and mannerism has to be considered, in order to give positive reaction from a prospective employer
    • Interested, balanced approach
    • Ability to express thoughts cleary
    • Career planning and objectives
    • Confidence
    • Information replies
    • Tact, maturity, courtesy
    • Maintain eye contact
    • Firm Handshake
    • Intelligent questions about the job
    • Preparation and knowledge of the company / history
    • Enthusiasm for the role and organisation
    • Positive, 'can-do' attitude

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